Monday, August 31, 2009

Letter to my Cousin

Dear Torrey,

It’s so good to hear from you! I’m excited that you want to know more about Public Relations. At first I wasn’t sure what public relations was but I am glad I found it and decided it is what I want to do.

Public Relations or PR is basically being the positive voice for a company or corporation. It can range from working with giant telecommunications companies to smaller organizations or service agencies. It helps establish and maintain relationships in a professional and effective way. It creates consistency between goals and expectations for a company.

One of the reasons why I choose public relations is because of the writing and speaking involved. It is all about developing relationships between organizations and groups. This can only happen through two-way communication and that is where the PR representative steps in to write or speak to another company and provides a positive outlook of the company involved. I love to write and am very personable so I hope to use my talents in this field.

Public Relation jobs range from research and media relations to marketing communication and community and employee relations. There isn’t a pinpoint description of what public relations is because it is constantly changing and new ideas are created to benefit the group. Some examples of public relation jobs include working for large corporations like The Walt Disney Company to planning an event or banquet for an organization. One area of public relations that I would like to get involved in is working for a nonprofit organization. This gives the organization an opportunity to market and advertise where the budget for the campaign may not be as high as other corporations.

The key to public relations, in my opinion, is creativity. Whether writing or speaking, a PR representative should constantly be thinking and creating new ideas that will benefit. Whether it’s through a radio campaign or a press release, the writing and advertising should be fun and exciting as well as professional.

I hope this helps you understand public relations better. Let me know if you have any other questions!

With love,



  1. Great job of defining public relations in simple and interesting terms.

  2. Mackenzie,

    I think it was great that you talked about the importance of relationships and communication involved in public relations. Several times we describe what PR specialists do, and fail to recognize how vital positive relationships are with clients, the media, and the public in general. I love how you say that there is no pin point answer on what public relations is. I get asked this question alot, and it is always hard for me to answer! There is so many different things that PR professionals can do in the job market. I believe that is what makes PR so exciting; it is constantly changing.

  3. Mackenzie,
    What I understand from your letter is that you are well knowledged about the profession and are very passionate about writing. It is nice that you have found a profession that you want to do for a career. I also find it difficult to put a finger on PR because it continually change and it great. Good job!

  4. Mackenzie,

    Even though this is just the beginning of your time as a PR person, I can already see the potential in you. Your writing skills are already looking great! You did an awesome job in this letter to clearly outline what PR entails and how it affects the client. I thought this letter was easy to read and absorb--great job!

