Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Draft Press Release 1; Announcement

For Immediate Release
Date: September 8, 2009
Social Media club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321
Phone: 661-772-7537

Social Media Club of Cache Valley becomes a reality
Access available to those who want to learn more about social media

Those who wish to learn more about social media and the future of technology can now become members of the new social media club of Cache Valley.

Preston Parker, president of the Social Media Club of Cache Valley, said a Salt Lake Chapter was founded January 2009. Those from Cache valley who did not want to make the trip down every month decided to form a chapter that would be closer and more convenient. The Cache valley chapter was started July of this year.

The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be on September 10, at 6:30 P.M. at Club New York at 359 N. Main Street Logan, Utah.

Parker hopes that the organization will become a success. “The goal of the organization is to help people become acquainted with social media – to help them to have access to others.”
More information can be found at the social media club of cache valley website, www.smccv.net. The social media club is not only a national organization, but global one as well. The club can extend out to different locations and chapters.

For public relations inquires:
Mackenzie Love


  1. Make the date APstyle. You don't need to write the word "date". Add a dateline. Capitalize the name of the club. Come up with a better lead...this one is vague "those" and does not announce the organization, which was the assignment...instead it announces about becoming members. Watch tense changes...past and present references. Meetings are on second Thursdays. Better to include the club website as part of contact info or directly under the sub-head and not part of text. You need to add a clear and concise boilerplate.

  2. Great job! I don't know if I heard wrong but wasn't it the second Thurday of every month instead of Tuesday? I liked how you put the link up. Nicely done.

  3. Good job! I am impressed that you got this much written in the time allotted! As far as criticism go, I would say that the two previous comments covered it. Just expand and add a boiler plate.

  4. Ditto. Can't believe how much you wrote in our short amount of time!

  5. It's funny because our leads are almost exactly the same! I'm glad I looked at yours because Preston's comment helped me with my post as well! I am very impressed at how much you were able to write! Good job on including the website and on the general information too.

  6. Good Job! I am glad that you were able to get a quote because I felt that mine was incomplete because I lacked a quote. It is also nice that you had Preston comment because it does make you a better writer to get feedback. I felt you were really informed and had a simple well written press release!
