For a
PRSSA activity, we had Sarah
Reale come and speak to us about her job as Utah State University’s public relations and marketing director. She gave us tips on what works now compared to what was done in the past. She all gave us an article that, through reading, has made me realize the importance of remembering the basics of public relations and it’s functions. The article is called
The State of PR, Marketing and Communications: You are the Future by Brian Solis, a co-founder of the Social Media Club and principal of Future Works, an online public relations/communications firm. The article talks about where public relations stands today. “Contrary to popular belief, social media
isn’t killing public relations, but the business of public relations IS in a state of paramount crisis. It’s not without merit however. Perhaps up until now we have been our own worst enemy,” Solis said. Many think that social media will produce the death of public relations but as Solis said, public relations will always have to step up and become more than people make it out to be. Solis said our future lies in the ability to shift “PR” from a business of publicity to a schedule of true “public” relations. He also said the public relations industry should embrace the socialization of the Web which will bring out a “more meaningful, relevant and lasting renaissance.” It’s interesting to think what the future of public relations holds as social media grows more and becomes more advanced. If public relation specialists can remember most of the time, it is about the people and ‘public’ aspect, then the future of technology or anything related won’t affect the field of PR.
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